Hello! I'm Emma,
The Founder and Director of Forever Dolls, mum to four amazing daughters and wife to a dedicated fisherman and motorbike lover.
A natural resource manager by trade, my career took me to iconic Bondi Beach before I ended up in a corporate compliance role for a large company. While I am forever thankful for my career, corporate compliance crushed my creative spirit.
When my oldest daughter, Zara, was turning 6 and wanted a ‘big girl’ doll for her birthday. We knew exactly what we wanted, but we couldn’t find it in Australia. She wanted a doll that was cool and fun, colourful and trendy. I wanted a doll that was age appropriate, promoted positive body image and had wholesome messaging.
Needing a creative outlet from day job and determined to find the perfect friend for my girl, Forever Dolls was born!
Our dolls are designed to be a friend. They each have their own characteristics and traits that we value as a family and promote to our daughters
A Forever Doll is someone kids
can confide in, connect with and
love. Someone to give them the
confidence to be themselves.
During my fourth pregnancy, I was made redundant from my job during a tough time in our corporate space. I took this as a sign that there was more important work I needed to do. Sometimes, the universe knows what you need more than you do!
These dolls are more than just the high quality materials they’re made from. They are a wish, a hope. For children to hold on to their all too short childhoods for just a little longer.
Children are feeling pressured to grow up too quickly in our modern world. Skipping crucial years of social and emotional development that comes from playing and just being a kid.
We want to encourage play for children aged 3 – 12+ by giving them a doll they can be proud of, something that won’t be hidden away when friends come over. A doll they can play with now and treasure forever.

Some Of Our
fave designs!

Forever fans!
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